I’m Sadat Jubayer

Software Engineer and Full Stack Developer.

  • I build web and mobile applications with modern technologies, commit my code on Github, and write on my Blog.
Sadat Jubayer

Recent Articles

Dev Tool

Accessing Development Servers on All Devices Connected to the Same Network

May 12, 2023 2 min read


Difference Between .js and .mjs Files in JavaScript

March 04, 2023 2 min read

Dev Tool

Automatic JWT Token setup in Postman

January 19, 2023 3 min read

Featured Projects


Yours app provides mental and physical health through personalized content which with interactive tools for meditation, sleep, mindfulness, and fitness, guided by experts. It has over 10,000 downloads on the Goolge Play Store, 8,000 on the App store, and thousands of active Web application users.

TypeScriptReactNextJSReact NativeExpressSocket.IO

Priyo Pay

Priyo Pay, a secure online payment portal, enhancing transactional efficiency and user interface with innovative solutions such as instant card issuance and streamlined checkout processes. My contribution was pivotal in the Front-End development aspect.



A feature-rich college app using React Native, with offline support, automatic version updates, and dynamic backend controls, alongside a Next.js, MongoDB, and Express-powered admin panel.

ReactNextJSReact NativeMongoDBTypeScript


Static website of a Solar company, super-powered by Gatsby. It gets dynamic data from contentful during the build time. Integrated Continues deployment using build hooks.


About this site

This portfolio website is a reflection of my life as a software developer, showcasing my Skills , Projects , and more. It's a space where I share my insights through the Blog , along with my Online Resume and Reading List.