Markdown - an easy markup language

Sadat Jubayer

Sadat Jubayer

April 10, 2021

2 min read

What is markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.

It's like HTML (HyperText Markup Language) with some sugar. Using markdown, you can control the view of your document by formatting it, like -

  • Format text as heading, bold, italic, blockquotes, etc.
  • Insert links, images, tables, lists, code blocks, etc.

The extension of a markdown file is .md or .markdown


To format text as a heading, you have to use the # symbol. There are six types of heading in markdown.
# This is heading one

## This is heading two

### This is heading three

#### This is heading four

##### This is heading five

###### This is heading six

The output of this -

Markdown Output

Text formatting

Formatting text is effortless in markdown. There are multiple steps to format text.

**This is bold text**
**This is bold text**

_This is Italic Text_
_This is Italic Text_

_This is **bold** and italic combined_

> This is a blockquote

The output of this -

Markdown Output

Working with lists

Unordered and Ordered lists both have support on markdown. A list can contain nested lists also.

Unordered List

-   Item 1
-   Item 2
    -   Item 2a
    -   Item 2b

Ordered List

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
    - Item 3a
    - Item 3b

The output of this -

Markdown Output
![GitHub Logo](


The output of this -

Markdown Output


To write a code in markdown, you need three carets (```) in the starting and three carets (```) in the end. You can write the language specifier after the first carets to get syntax highlighting of that language.

function sayHello() {
    console.log('Hello from Sadat Jubayer!');

The output of this -

Markdown Output


This article covers the basics of Markdown. I hope this will help you write markdown files quickly.